"My mother, my aunts, my own grandmothers float back to me, young and vibrant once more, making days holy in the sanctuaries of their kitchens, feeding me, cradling me, connecting me to the intricately plaited braid of their past, and even at this moment, looking down the corridor of what’s to come, I see myself join them as they open their arms wide to enfold my children and grandchildren in their embrace."
Faye Moskowitz, And the Bridge Is Love, 1991
If Rabbi Friedland is the soul of Sinai Synagogue, then the Sinai Sisterhood is its heart!
Here to kindly embrace all members as they experience life’s vicissitudes, the Sinai Sisterhood is always ready to help. It’s the soft shoulder, thoughtful gesture, and firm hand when we need it most.
Our Sisterhood is dedicated to Jewish education and supporting our congregation with tzedekah, chesed, and learning activities.
A few examples of the ongoing projects the Sinai Sisterhood oversees:
Break the Fast Nosh – After fasting for Yom Kippur, there is nothing like breaking bread with fellow congregants, and there is no charge!
Weekly Kiddush Luncheons – Our sisterhood’s monthly Yad Committee plans, shops, and prepares the communal Sabbath meal congregants enjoy when Saturday morning services conclude. Volunteers are always welcome, even if you haven’t signed up with Terry Feldbaum. See below for details about volunteering!*
Holiday Feasts – Of course, the Sinai Sisterhood coordinates the food and fun for observing and celebrating our Jewish holidays, such as Simchat Torah, Chanukah, and Purim.
Book Club – The women of Sinai bond as a sisterhood over a good book and enlightening conversation. The book club typically meets once a month for a book discussion and light refreshments. Contact Linda Mintz or Corky Carlin for more information.
Gift Shop – Bar/Bat Mitzvah coming up? Someone you love getting married? Looking for a new game to play with the young ones? The best place to buy a meaningful gift reflective of Jewish values and creativity is right in the foyer of Sinai Synagogue! Shop for menorahs, paper goods, decorations, art projects, and so much more! Call the office to arrange a visit or contact Nana Fromm, who manages the shop. She also has access to numerous catalogs of Judaica in case the shop doesn’t have exactly what you seek.
Directory – An indispensable asset to every member is the Sisterhood’s annual publication of Sinai’s directory and calendar. A veritable who’s who and what’s what of everything Sinai! Names, addresses, phone number, emails…Plus blessings and candle lighting times. Help is always needed to produce the directory.
Our members’ energy and interests drive each year’s programs, so please join Sisterhood and bring your ideas, expertise and talents to our communal table!
* Yad means hand, and our Sinai Sisterhood Yad Committee serves as the helping hands of our synagogue community by preparing and serving Kiddush luncheons.
The Sinai community greatly appreciates those who volunteer to serve on the Yad Committee. Without the help of everyone, Sisterhood cannot provide Kiddush lunches, and that would be a great shame to miss out on good food and fellowship!
We ask that each member of the Sinai community volunteer at least one month a year to help make weekly Kiddush lunches so we can have a community sabbath lunch together after Saturday morning services.
We have Thursday afternoon or evening meal-prep months and Friday morning meal-prep months to accommodate different schedules.
If a member is unable to volunteer for a whole month, we have individual day or evening volunteer opportunities. The volunteers also help set out and clean up the luncheon on Saturday mornings.
The monthly Yad Chair contacts people to attend the prep time and shops for the items needed to prepare the lunch.
The Yad Committee experience is a wonderful place to meet other members, have a good time, and demonstrate your volunteerism for a congregational cause.
If you would like to volunteer for any month or time in the month, please call (574) 234-8584. Thanks!